EPS Tax Services LLC has friendly and dependable staff available to assist you Monday – Saturday with your personal and business tax needs. Make an appointment today and remember to bring the necessary documentation for your personal, business, and professional driver tax deductions.
Professional Truck Driver Tax Deductions:
- Food (Per Diem Allowance, no receipts needed)
- Lodging
- Fuel
- Truck Maintenance Parts or Services
- Truck Equipment: (i.e. Cooler, Microware, Bedding, and CB)
- Truck Washes
- Truck Supplies (i.e. Cleaning)
- Tolls and Scales
- Business Insurance
- Business Telephone Calls and/or Faxes
- Uniforms
- Casual Labor
- Dues or Trucking Publications
- Tax and Bookkeeping Services
- Small Tools and Equipment
- Showers
- Work Gloves, Boots
- Administrative Supplies (i.e. Briefcase)
- DOT Physical
- License Transfer Fees
- COMCHEK Fees or equivalent
- Parking Fees
- Truck/Trailer Storage
- Log Books
- Other Ordinary and Necessary Expense for Job/Business
- Air Freshener
- Foul Weather Gear
- Security Devices
- Antennas
- Parking Fees
- Cab Curtains
- Power Cords
- Briefcase
- Rain Gear
- Maps
- Safety Glasses
- Batteries
- Money Transfer Fees (ATM)
- Circuit Tester
- Truck Storage
- Flashlight
- Film for damage claims
- Hand Cleaner
- Hard Hat
- Seat Covers
- Sleeping Bags
- Towels
- Trash Bags
- Toaster
- Vacuum
- Towing Charges
- Tie-downs
- Locks
*Note: Central Business Services, INC. Tax Deductible Expenses For Professional Drives. Contact Number for Central Business Services, INC. 1.888.255.3939. (Any expenses that are reimbursed are not deductible.)