EPS Tax Services LLC provides personal and small business tax services.
EPS Tax Services LLC provides personal and small business tax services.
EPS Tax Services LLC has a friendly and dependable staff available to assist you Monday – Saturday with your personal and business tax needs. Make an appointment today and remember to bring the necessary documentation for your personal, business, and professional driver tax deductions.
Prescription, Medications (i.e. Drugs and Insulin)
Co-Pay Printouts (i.e. Physicians, Dentists, Nurses, Insurance Premiums, Medicare B, and Hospitals)
Medical Care Lodging
Home Mortgage Interest Payments to Financial Institutions or Individuals
Alimony Payments
Penalties (i.e. early savings withdrawal)
Employment Firm Fees
Employee Expenses (i.e. Tools, Uniforms, and Shoes)
Union Professional Dues
Professional Journal Subscriptions
Tax Return Preparation Fees
Safe Deposit Box Rental Fees
Casualty/Theft Losses not covered by Insurance in excess of $100.00
Contribution to Archer Medical Savings Account
Higher Education Expenses
Income Taxes
Real Estate Taxes
*Note: If you are a Teacher remember to bring documentation for expenses up to $300.00 for purchase of books, supplies, and equipment.